10 Tips for A Healthier Shop

Food shopping whether weekly or daily can prove to a big marker in your success of living a healthier lifestyle. Supermarkets are large halls of temptation there is always the risk you come away with one or even several more items than you intended. However, there are a few ways to can you can really make it work in your favour.

Number One - Plan ahead

The process starts long before you enter the store. Having a plan will help you focus on what you actually need rather your wants and desires. At the start of the week plan a weekly menu so you know what you are eating and therefore what you need to buy. Use this plan to look ahead at potential meetings, trips away, late nights so you can prepare to have a healthy option to go to. The trick to being healthy is connivence.

Number Two - Avoid shopping when you are hungry

Shopping when you are hungry can make you liable to picking up foods you wouldn’t normally include. This can be to snack on the way home or something for guests but remember if it is in the your trolley it will be in the house. If you’re having guests over, nip to the local shop on the day to get your treats, when the guest are leaving give them a doggie bag. If it is in the house you will probably eat it.

Number Three - Spices for flavour

Spices are a great way to add flavour without increasing your calories. Salt & pepper is your most basic form of adding flavour, Chilli powder, flakes, cayenne pepper, paprika, and cajun spice are all great options to increase the taste profile of what you eat making your food more enjoyable. If you feel satisfied you are less likely to look for something after dinner.

Number Four - Start with fruits & vegetables

Start by filling up your trolley or basket with fruits & vegetables, these foods are important for you to eat, and generally, in a western diet, we do not get enough of these products. I would recommend always getting more than you think you need, as this will encourage you to eat more. Starting with these foods will preventing you from filling up your trolley as you go through your supermarket with crisps and chocolate.

Number Five - Store cupboard essentials

Packets of microwaveable rice, quinoa, lentils, are great for when you are the go or pushed for time. Cans of chopped tomatoes, chickpeas, lentils, beans etc are important to help add flavour and depth to dishes. A pasta sauce I would recommend is Lloyd Grossman, his ingredients are natural with very little preservatives.

Number Six - Buy in water, brine or natural juices

When you are buying tinned goods it is best to get these products as naturally as you can. Choose foods in their own juices, water or brine will help to ensure there are no added sugars or preservatives in the product.

Number Seven - Frozen fruits & vegetables

These are great and won’t go off. Often these are frozen only a few hours after being picked so they hold all their vitamins and minerals. They are great for smoothies or to quickly add with your evening meal. Check out the smoothie blog for recipes https://www.pandhtherapy.co.uk/blog/five-five-minute-smoothies.

Number Eight - Stack up on yoghurts

Yoghurts are great snacks, high in protein low in fat, and low in sugar if you get the good brands. Focus on Skyr, Greek, and natural yoghurts, You can add some fresh fruit, oats if you need a little more energy during the day.

Number Nine - Avoid added sugars

Reduce the foods which have greatly changed their flavours, i.e. fruit juices, breakfast cereals etc.

Number Ten - Try something new

Food is an experience to be enjoyed try something you haven’t tried before, be adventurous. You may find the something you love.

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