

Karen, age; 59

This is a perfect programme for me.  As a non-sporty woman, I never imagined I’d be lifting weights at sixty!  It’s definitely keeping the years at bay.

Katie, age; 43

Tové has made me feel safe and supported in my journey back to exercise after surgery. I really appreciated the way you kept checking in with me between our sessions, and you helped me to feel so much more confident about what my body could do.

David, age; 83

As I am undergoing prostate cancer treatment, I wasn’t sure I would be able to go on a skiing trip with my son. Through regular resistance training I was able to do some of the best skiing I have ever done. I felt strong, in control and managed to enjoy the trip without any excessive muscle stiffness or injuries.

Greg, age; 60

Training with & supervision by P&H Therapy has resulted in me feeling the best I have in 20 years. Renewed energy, engagement and focus.

Mira, age; 29

Tové started supporting me after I had an ACL tear and reoccurring irritation throughout my rehab after surgery. She’s been a friendly, knowledgeable, and patient person throughout - consistently checking in and slowly introducing in new exercises to test my range of motion and muscle growth. She’s been incredibly thorough and has answered loads of my questions about physio, rehab, and nutrition, and been an encouraging voice as I’ve healed from my injury. 

Mark, age; 59

I started training with PH Therapy in 2020 and they have significantly helped me improve and change the way I feel about nutrition and use of precisely done exercises to build my muscle strength, agility and flexibility. I had been concerned with my life expectancy and in particular muscular bone strength following the curious Christmas gift of smart scales from my children 😡. I’ve always had good blood pressure but rapidly increasing cholesterol, an inability to shift unwanted weight and recent escalating asthma issues were hindering my enjoyment from doing favourite activities. I got overweight while working in New York in my late 20‘s (over 30 years ago!) I hated gyms and other people’s obsession with telling me about their diet. However, as I approached my 60th year behind a desk, I recognised the need to arrest the inevitable progression to obesity, reduce my bad cholesterol and build greater flexibility and muscle strength. All with the aim to provide me with the capacity to cope with the future uncertainties of being an inactive person in middle age! PH Therapy provided education and guidance with every step of the way. The structure was clear, logical and effective. I received a bespoke programme with individual feedback and coaching. My weight is down by 15kg, my 5-aside football performance has improved ( honest 😁) and I feel 20 years younger. I have more energy, I’m happier and above all, I understand how to keep this up for life. THANK YOU TO BEN AND ALL AT PH THERAPY.

Cathy, aged: 66

This service is like Fortnum & Mason.

Maurice, age; 66

In October 2019 I unsuspectedly was diagnosed with terminal cancer. It started in my prostate but had spread to my back and pelvis. I quickly started a course of chemotherapy at Charing Cross Hospital. 

I trusted the doctors and nurses I was a fairly passive participant in all of this. A friend of mine who had been getting help due to their own medical reasons suggested he might be able to help due to his work with cancer rehabilitation patients.

At first, I wasn’t sure how he would help? At this stage of my life, I didn’t exercise, go to the gym, but what did I have to lose? When Ben arrived I was immediately impressed with his positivity and knowledge. We went through my nutrition and we made a few changes which I implemented immediately.

He suggested I started walking daily in my local park and explained why. Everything I was doing he would explain why this would help assist my cancer treatment. I started doing resistance exercises and due to his encouragement and persistence, I now do them every day, multiple times. At 65 doing exercise whatever next?

I’m not a negative person, but occasionally I would lose motivation, and without even knowing he would turn me around with his positivity and encouragement. 

He comes to my house twice a week for two 90-minute sessions. He assesses me before every session by taking my blood pressure and pulse to assess acute and long term changes. 

I have been lucky to go through my chemotherapy without pain, aches or depression. My doctor is extremely happy with my progress and has been aware of the help I have been receiving, and whole heartily approves. 

I have an excellent team of doctors and nurses in Charing Cross Hospital and I have a hero and friend to help with my lifestyle plan. 

My hero Benjamin Duckett. Hopefully, you never need his help but if you do, don’t hesitate to call him. He is worth his weight in gold.

Steve, age; 71

Following two major surgeries and a course of radiotherapy, I had lost my fitness and was apprehensive about restarting exercise. I had never been confident with resistance training and using weights but I knew that this would be key to regaining a reasonable level of fitness. PH Therapy have helped me to regain my motivation and feel confident with resistance training. I look forward to my weekly sessions with Tové and feel that I am progressing well under her expert guidance. The sessions are varied, well planned and progressive. I am fitter and healthier now than I have been at any time since my surgery. Thank you!

Cathy, age; 66

I was introduced to Ben through a mutual friend. They had previously worked together for a company who provided programmes to rehabilitate patients with medical conditions.

My own medical diagnosis coincided with the COVID Lockdown. All my training sessions have taken place using Zoom. Initially, I was dubious as to how effective online training would be.

I am now a convert and have signed up for my next course of 26 sessions.

I am impressed, not only with Ben’s supportive personality but with his ability to transfer his professional skill online. I feel as if we meet in person each session.

Each training session is informed with diagnostics. I take 3 blood pressure readings prior to the start of my session. Each reading is photographed and sent by WhatsApp. Ben then records the average reading on my record chart.

During the session, my heart rate is monitored by Ben through a heart rate monitor and app. Post-training blood pressure readings are also recorded. It has been good to see my blood pressure rates falling to within the normal range.

The first session was an assessment session to ascertain and understand my current health profile, level of fitness and capability. Subsequent sessions have built on my increasing level of muscular strength.

The start of each session is a short Q & A time asking about how I feel. The session is then tailored to address any health issues I have experienced. I have left every training session better than when I started. As a result of training in my home, I often find myself doing a few exercises throughout a non-training day. Online training brings the gym into my home.

I am impressed with the follow-up service Ben provides. Each session is followed up on the next day, asking how I feel after my training.

Ben also provides motivational emails and healthy recipes.

I have been able to discuss a variety of problems with Ben, and he has been very helpful in providing me with coping strategies.

I enjoy training with Ben and would highly recommend him for his personable manner and professional skill.

Louis, age; 23

I first came to hear about PH Therapy after arriving home from a 6-month travelling stint to find that someone had stolen my father’s belly, hips and a couple of chins too – turns out the thief was Ben Duckett! Aside from finding myself’, travelling also caused me to find various physical issues with my body to add to the multitude of other hypermobility-induced injuries I had suffered with whilst growing up, causing me to give up playing rugby at age 16 and many other things in the years following that. 

At 22 years old, I had started to come to terms and accept that my body just didn’t quite work the same way that other body’s my age should work… until I began my course with PH Therapy in mid-2020. I went in with a somewhat pessimistic outlook purely based on the many failed attempts of fixing my body in the past but was very pleasantly surprised.  

When commencing our course together, Ben was honest and told me that he hadn’t treated hypermobility before and was by no means an expert. However, by the time our sessions kicked off, it became apparent that Ben had put himself through an intensive crash course to learn just about everything there was to know to help his client. Within the first few sessions, I was learning things that no other specialist had explained to me before. 

I began my bespoke training course to strengthen and mobilise core elements of my body in order to bring the right muscles into action and subsequently stabilise my joints. Now, 6 months down the line PH Therapy has transformed the way that I go about everyday life as well as allowing me to understand the way my body works in a way I never did before. 

PH Therapy understands that everybody is unique and that every client requires a training plan tailored precisely to their physical needs. For me specifically, PH Therapy have provided me with the launchpad from which I can continue to improve and strengthen my body while eradicating all lingering pains that so many other medical practices have been unable to help in the past.

Andrew, age; 68

I have been seeing Kayla for a few months now and am more than pleased with our recently assessed results. Whilst actual weight loss has indeed occurred, I am delighted with the reduction from the stomach, hips and surrounding areas.

She is most encouraging and even pushes me, in order to obtain our combined goals.

Isabelle, age; 80 

After breaking my humerus with a fall, Kayla came twice weekly to do specific and adapted exercises to restore my arm. Moreover, Kayla now comes to my home in order to maintain my general health. 

Kayla is professional, punctual, polite and very good-natured with a good sense of humour.

I couldn’t recommend her more. 

Nick, age; 58

I first met Ben when I was recovering from aggressive chemotherapy and surgery for cancer removal. My oncologist recommended him. I was very sceptical- I am the antithesis of a gym bunny and generally loath exercise but the impact was pretty immediate. Ben has an excellent approach and is persuasive without being aggressive- he gets the measure of your ability very quickly and never tries to push you too far. He is a pleasure to work with and sessions really are something to which to look forward.

Indeed, long after my full recovery from cancer I still exercise twice weekly with Ben- he has ensured I have stayed fit during lockdown and afterwards. I thoroughly recommend him.

Carolyn, age; 78

Ben Duckett, Joe Othen-Price and Tove work together as Exercise Physiologists. Unfortunately, I suffer from Osteoarthritis and they have helped me keep mobile since last year. They come to our house twice a week to deliver exercise and discuss my situation generally.

They are both sympathetic, kind and thoughtful with a good knowledge of the best way to keep as well as possible under the circumstances. I can highly recommend them.

Elaine, age; 60

Ben is fantastic to work with and so enthusiastic about helping his clients realign. He has turned a desk-bound physically compromised lawyer into someone who is now stronger healthier and embracing the challenges. Thanks, Ben …. Onwards!

Marco, age; 57

Every senior executive is faced with the challenge of staying healthy while managing stressful positions and responsibilities. In August 2020, I relocated from the US to London with the family as CEO of a leading technology business. By April 2021, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, I had gained weight, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. My GP from Harley Street referred me to Ben to find support in improving my physical condition and overall well-being.

It’s three years later and I feel blessed to have enjoyed Ben's support and guidance. Although I have been active in sports throughout my life, Ben has transformed my approach and understanding of training for wellness and well-being. He arrives at my apartment each morning at 0730 ready to begin. Ben's dedication and consistency has given me great motivation to stay committed and disciplined with my exercise. In addition, Ben has shared with me deep knowledge of different training routines and their impact on my physiology.   

He is highly knowledgeable, professional, and considerate, always aware and tuned to my personal situation, and medical and exercise needs. Over the last three years, we have built a true partnership and trust. He is a joy to work with, a pillar of my support network and well-being, and a friend who is appreciated by everyone in the family. I would highly recommend anyone to start working with Ben and his team.  

My blood pressure is better controlled, my body mass and body composition have improved, I have better tools to manage the stress day to day and I enjoy the exercise. Thank you, Ben!

Taylor Wessing employees

Following a 6-week online exercise programme with the employees of Taylor Wessing (International law firm)

The classes were straightforward and could be done in your front room. The follow-up summary of the exercises was really useful to help you do the session (or part of, after warming up, of course!) on your own.

The programme wasn't daunting and was adapted for various levels of fitness and ability. I also like the explanations given during the sessions

Ben took the time to explain why we were doing specific exercises and the theory behind them which was incredibly helpful. I'd definitely recommend him to others.  

Easy to follow, great clear instructions. Instructor was great. Good for all abilities!

The sessions included all abilities so you could carry out the session at a pace suitable for your own individual level

Clear instructions and informative explanations of the purpose of different exercises/phases of the sessions.  I liked the different options for various exercises, it made the sessions really inclusive and allowed participants to tailor the sessions.