A week in London...

As some of you may know Ben did his bachelor’s degree at the University of Exeter. As a current student at Exeter, I met Ben through the career mentor scheme. This is a scheme that puts students in contact with graduates with careers of interest, and as I am studying human biology, Ben’s career intrigued me. Throughout the scheme, I have gained insight into Ben’s career and business. The mentoring started in the pandemic through telephone calls. However, it wasn’t until Ben kindly offered me the opportunity of work experience in London that I could really understand what Ben’s job involved.

I started my week on the 6am train from Eastbourne, after meeting Ben in Hammersmith we headed to west London to meet two of Ben’s clients. By observing the session, I could see how Ben communicated and motivated his clients. He was friendly and approachable yet professional, this allowed him to build a trusting and positive relationship with his clients. I learnt the practicalities of how the sessions were structured: starting with key observations such as blood pressure, the previous night’s sleep etc, working through the progressive cardiovascular warmup allowing the heart rate to increase safely, to mobility which aims to increase the range of movement at a joint, and activate certain muscle groups. Interestingly, this is also an area that you can use for prehab and rehab of particular areas. The main body of the session, that, depending on the goal is usually muscle strengthening. Here Ben focused on the lower body, using hip, or knee dominant exercise, and the upper body using horizontal and vertical, pushes and pulls. Finally, to the cool down which has the focus to bring the body and mind back to pre-exercise levels. I further learnt how Ben used his knowledge to choose and sequence the exercises, creating a safe yet engaging programme in line with the goals of his clients. I noticed how Ben listened to feedback as well as using his own observational skills to change the programme, accordingly, making sure he met the balance of creating a challenging yet not damaging session.  

The following morning, I observed two online sessions with Ben. Being online emphasised the need for clear communication. I picked up on how Ben explained each exercise in a logical and coherent way. Throughout the week I later learnt that it was not just communication in the session, but also communication outside of the session that was important. Checking in with clients, advising on their nutrition, keep up motivations all went towards building a positive relationship.

In the next two days, I had the opportunity to experience a tailored session myself and an initial assessment comprised of a psychological assessment, functional movement screening, and health assessment. The sessions were enlightening on my health and provided clear direction on the steps I need to take to improve my health levels.

Throughout the week I acquired not only practical skills but personal skills, I enjoyed meeting all the clients who I thank for being so welcoming and Ben himself for sharing his expertise in the field.

I wish you all the best of health.


"Add life to your years & years to your life"

Written by Hope Parish.

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