I've got high cholesterol!

You’ll have heard about cholesterol before now whether in the media, from your doctor, maybe a friend or even a parent. It’s not all bad, often can be easily adjusted with a few changes, first, let’s look at what it is…

Cholesterol is a waxy a substance found in your blood. Your body needs cholesterol to build healthy cells but too much can increase your risk of heart disease. Cholesterol is carried through your blood attached to proteins this combination is called a lipoprotein and there are two types. Low density (LDL) and high density (HDL). 

LDL - also known as bad cholesterol builds up in arterial walls making them hard and narrow. 

HDL - also known as good picks up bad cholesterol and brings it back to the liver to be processed. 

Taking steps to reduce high cholesterol can be crucial. For every 10% drop in your cholesterol your risk of a heart attack decrease by 20% - 30% 

3 Foods to include to reduce and manage your cholesterol:

  1. Choose Healthy Fats

    • Limit saturated fats and trans fats which increase LDL and lower protective HDL levels. 

    • Add fish, nuts, eggs, avocados to increase your HDL.

  2. Choose Wholegrain’s

    • These foods will help prevent a blood sugar rollercoaster, they have higher levels of fibre keep you fuller for longer and lower LDL levels.

    • Wholewheat pasta, wholegrain bread, rice, basmati rice, sourdough, oats, spelt, rye, pulses, beans and legumes. 

  3. Choose Fruits and Veg

    • These foods will keep you full, contain high levels of fibre and provide vitamins and minerals that you otherwise wouldn't get.

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