Eating well: the basics

Eating well isn’t about being perfect; it’s about picking the best option for you. Understanding the energy that food provides and what we need to fuel our bodies well can help us to make better decisions. There are 3 main groups that all food items sit within:

  • Carbohydrate (CHO) per 1g – 4Kcals

  • Protein per 1g – 4Kcals

  • Fat per 1g – 9Kcals

CHO is your primary source of energy, and can be found in sugar, pasta, potatoes, rice, biscuits, and cakes. It’s the type of CHO that really makes the difference: a simple CHO is broken down quickly and provides instant energy; a complex CHO has higher fibre content and thus is broken down at a slower rate. Complex CHO foods include whole grain rice/pasta, wholemeal and sourdough bread, sweet potatoes, quinoa and buckwheat.

Protein plays a large role in muscle and cell repair and growth. Foods high in protein include eggs, chicken, filet beef, turkey, beans, pulses, tofu and yoghurts.

It wasn’t long ago that dietary fat was portrayed as an enemy to our health goals. However, we now have a greater understanding of dietary fats, and recognise the importance of supporting hormone levels and brain function. Foods high in good fat (HDL) include eggs, oily fish (e.g. salmon, mackerel), nuts, avocado and extra virgin olive oils (served cold). 

Making better food choices is a lot easier when you have a plan. Spend time over the weekend thinking about and preparing balanced meals for the coming week. Don’t forget to keep hydrated either - 2L of water per day is important for energy breakdown, cell function, organ function, lubrication of joints, and prevention of disease. If you struggle with portion control try drinking water 30 minutes before a meal this can help reduce how much you consume. If you’re fed up of drinking water, try flavouring with fresh berries, cucumber, orange and lemons or add a slice of lemon to hot water. Herbal teas are another great option!

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