Freezer Essentials

Picture this: you’re late home from work, storm Brendan is in full force and the fridge is empty. There’s only one option - a delicious takeaway from Deliveroo.


Whilst it’s tempting to order in a takeaway when we’re feeling tired and unmotivated, we know that we’ll feel worse for it later on. The trick is to have a stocked freezer so that eating well is the easier option.

Here are a few of my freezer essentials:

Frozen fish fillets – Take one out in the morning and they’ll be defrosted by the time you get back from work. Add some green beans, baby boiled potatoes and you’re ready to go!

Frozen fruit and veg – Perfect for adding to smoothies in the morning.

Bread – I personally don’t eat bread fast enough to stop it from going off, so I freeze it. Pair with poached eggs and grilled tomatoes.

Pre-cooked meals – Made too much dinner? Pop the leftovers into a freezer bag and save it for a rainy evening.

Cooked grains – Cooking grains can be a long and boring task. Instead, cook a large batch, freeze it in meal-sized portions, and when you need it, pop it in the microwave with a small splash of water.

We aren’t always going to be prepared as we would like; life often catches us out. But finding ways around the curveballs will make a big difference.

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